The accounting profession essentially involves the supplying of information to decision makes hence it is no surprise that accounting has always been involved in many information related problem. The need for this involvement is understood by the avowed aim of accounting which according to the America accounting association committee is to prepare a statement of basis accounting theory (ASOBAT 1961)
The attainment of this objective requires both the identification as well as the disclosure of an adequate amount of information considered relevant to the users.
Financial accounting covers those activities related to the preparation of certain reports which are known as financial statement. These statement report the financial status of the firm at a particular times, the firms activities, resulting profit and the flow of resources occurring within the firm during the same period.
Financial accounting information therefore it the information derived from the financial accounting books, journals and report. The essence of this information is for the management and other users to makes decision and the accuracy of this decision making depends on the effectiveness and efficient application of the financial information, the design of management information system (M.I.S).
Decision making, itself can be described as science of choosing among possible management action. In other words, the art / science of decision making or a combination of these enable management of a business to choose from among a range of already anal used and evaluated alternative.
Two major classes of decision makes can identified in respect of the use of financial accounting information.
They are the external and internal users external users include creditors, shareholder government agencies, respondents and trade union etc. while management on the other hand represent the internal user.
Whether a business is a corporation partners or solo proprietorship, financial accounting as information system has an effect on its management
The impact of financial accounting information on the management of any business cannot be over looked, though the extent of such an impart may not be the same for every business. This study being about the effect of financial accounting information on managerial decision will seek to inquire into monetary, and financial information arranged in a professional accounting manner will influence managerial decision.
1.2 Statement of problem
Manager of certain business especially the small scale type, manage their business blindly.
They do not have proper and sound accounting system to enable them monitor the operating system revenue and expenses. Recent development in parastatals. Firms have tended to ignore this ignorance of financial accounting information, many firm and parastatals have collapsed.
It to against this background that the researcher seek to show that financial accounting information cannot be divorced from managerial decision making.
The objective of the study is to know whether the usefulness in the application and use of financial accounting, the examination of the use of financial accounting as an information system to the management of companies also to know whether company’s performance is related to efficient and effective use of financial accounting information.
H0: financial accounting does not aid managerial decision making
H1: financial accounting aids managerial decision making
This study will be useful in the application and use of financial accounting, the examination of the use of financial accounting as an information system, to the management of companies, government parastatals as a yardstick evaluating performance and knowing whether they really take note of financial accounting information.
To management of company under study as a standard for internal evaluation and control of actual performance, also to provide insight on how business organization rely on financial accounting information for decision making.
Research work done on accounting information generally will be very voluminous as this will mean researching into all aspect or branches of accounting which includes, cost accounting management accounting, financial accounting.
Due to financial constraint, the research were unable to visit all intended research centers and libraries for the purpose of this work. Also the time allowed for the purpose/ study was ratio too short coupled with the fast approach examination and all other academic loads there is also inadequate material and information gotten on the subject matter (financial accounting information as an aid to managerial decision making)
I shall not forget to comment on the attitude of the librarians which did not help matter either because of the strict rules of the authority concerned. To this effect, the research were not allowed freehand to conduct the research work effectively and to their free will.
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