The desire of government to put in place a policy instrument for the broadcasting sector is a welcome development.
In almost eight years since broadcasting was introduced into Nigeria, there have been many policy processes involving diverse institutions. Several documents have emerged in the form of white papers, laws, constitutions and policies to define the positions of government at different periods.
Moreover, the evolution of public monopoly systems toward mixed systems has generated significant tensions between the commercial operators to make formal complaints to the European Union about double funding (public subsidies
and advertising) and about public operator multi platform strategies. These owned media (Lowe and Bardoel, 2007).
In the context, neither the variety of public broadcasting governance and finding models that can be found in Nigeria, nor the debate on what “government owned” actually means , can be ignored, since the traditional regulations is to static to cope with the rapidly changing context, new concepts such as “self” or co-“regulation” are introduced. Furthermore, as a result of paternalistic tradition and an often all-too-close realtion with politics, public broadcasting have kept citizens and civil society at a distance” (Bardoel and D’ Haenens, 2008).
Taking account of these international trends in the sector and starting with the ideal that communication system remain, to a significant degree national in organization and orientation.
This project report present the structural straits o of the Nigeria public broadcasting system following analogue television switch-off and expands on the underlying reasons that go to explain them.
By way of a conclusion, it considers an expanse analysis of the Nigeria Public Broadcasting System’s future evolution.
Managing and formulating policies have been a serious problem of government owned broadcasting stations. However, there are several other problems that need to be addressed in the system. These are;
1. Inadequate policy to guard the operation of the stations owned and managed by the government.
2. Poor management of public broadcasting institutions.
3. Change in government policies as a result of political instability.
4. The lack of devoted staffs who are always dedicated to their jobs.
Therefore, if the above problems are not taken care of, it may lead to a total destruction of the public broadcasting service.
The researcher’s objective is to conduct an in-depth research on the problems and prospect of government owned broadcasting stations, hence the study objective are enumerated below.
1. To study the development of the Nigeria public broad casting sector since the country independent and determine critical issues that may have arise
2. To highlight through research, the technical and operation problem facing the government owned broad casting stations in the country.
3. To suggest possible solution to the highlighted problems,
1. The research will help in possible dilution identification and finally absorption problem faced by government owned broadcasting stations, which until the present has been less focused, criticized and discuss by researchers.
2. It will enable the government and policy maker to put adequate measures in place to check the operation of government owned broadcasting station.
3. The conduct of this research will enable the government to know solutions to the various problems of public broadcasting stations and therefore, harness the mass media, especially TV, in the democratic process and development process in general.
The research questions are arrangement to be acked by the researcher and receive a feedback (answer) from a respondent. For a researcher to achieve her aim, the following questions should be used.
1. Are governments owned broadcast stations being well managed and maintained?
2. What is the major problem of government owned broadcasting?
3. How ownership oes influenced the quality of broadcast information of Nigeria Public Media?
4. What can government do to aid the operation of the public broadcasting stations?
Hi: Effective management will lead to quality broadcast information. Ho: Effective management will not lead to quality broadcast information.
Hi: The improvement of local TV/Media industries will increase public preference for local media product.
Ho: The improvement of local TV/Media industries will not increase public preference for local media product.
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