Ijebu-jesha Unions’ Conference is the Umbrella Organization for all Social and Cultural Societies in Ijebu-jesha. An organization, according to the Oxford Dictionary means, a group of people who form a business, club etc, together in order to achieve a particular aim. Therefore, Ijebu-jesha Unions’ Conference is formed by some Ijebu-jesha indigenes in diaspora who share the same motives.
This research work principally focuses on the gradual progressive unions right from Egbe Omo Ilu Ijebu-jesha in 1919 and to Ijebu-jesha Social Club in 1923, Ijebu-jesha Union in 1933 and finally in 1946, the Ijebu-jesha Unions’ Conference after gathering other states and zones all over Nigeria and some parts of the world. Also it focuses on the socio-economic development of Ijebu-jesha from 1946 to date. In order to appreciate this work, it is pertinent to briefly examine the origin of Ijebu-jesha and its people.
Ijebu-jesha is one of the largest towns in Ijesha land in the present day Osun State of Nigeria. It ranks next to Ilesha in terms of historical significance, size and population. Ijebu-jesha town has twenty three settlements villages and small towns. Ijebu-jesha people have been known from time immemorial as adventurers who broke the barriers of the homeland to traverse many countries on the West Coast of Africa e.g Ghana, and every nooks and crannies of Nigeria. They were either as traders or as members of police and armed forces which in those days were commonly known as the West African Frontier Force (WAFF).
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