Globalization can be seen as one of the most important forces impacting on the global economy. It is accepted that the world economy has become more integrated due to the process of globalization (Nwaosue, 2005).
Globalization is not a new process. It is viewed as the integration of national economies through trade and capital flows between nations, made possible by trade liberalization, the removal of capital control and the advancement of technology (Awolabi, 1998; Ojo & Obaseki, 1998; Ajayi, 2003). Globalization involves broadening and strengthening of relations between the economies of the developed and developing countries through trade, finance, investment, technology and migration. The recent development in globalization is therefore predicated on the notion of interdependence between the internal and external sectors of an economy. Today, it is perhaps the most important trend shaping national economies world wide which is defined as key idea by which we understand the transition of society in the third millennium (Waters, 1995:). Globalization is not just some passing trend. Today it is an overwhelming international system shaping the domestic politics and foreign relations of virtually every country, and we need to understand it as such (Friedman, 1999). It can be likened to fire which has its positive and negative effects depending on its use or misuse. Thus, it could be to the benefit of the developed while destroying the underdeveloped. The predicament that bedeviled the Nigerian textile economy that earlier had considerable advantage in textile production, which manifested itself in the last three decades as a result of globalization, resulted in steady deepening economic crisis which has had adverse and far reaching consequences. This considerably affected the textile industry, wiped out labour and left behind an unsecured nation (Muhammad, 2010).
Despite, the fact that globalization is not a new phenomenon, the intensity of the process increased since1990 (Mostert, 2003:1). The increasing intensity in the process of globalization is evident in the increased financial transactions in the world market. Hak-min (1991) indicated that the three folds in private capital transactions between 1980 and 1990 could be ascribed to the process of globalization in the international financial markets. With the increased reliance on the market economy and renewed called in the private sector, a process of structural adjustment spurred by studies and influence of the developing countries was initiated. Globalization has brought a new opportunity to countries. Greater access to developed country markets and technology transfer hold out promise for improved productivity and higher living standard (Jean, 2002:23). However, globalization has also thrown up new challenges like growing insecurity, inequality across and within nations, volatility in financial markets and environmental deterioration (Betterton and Potion, 1996) besides a great majority of developing countries remain cut off from the process of globalization. Although globalization has tremendous potential benefits for developing countries. The challenge is to realize the potential benefits without undertaking huge off setting cost (Neuland and Hough, 1991:1). The process of globalization is reality as the increasing integrated economy provides an unprecedented opportunity for growth and higher living standard throughout the world. What is perhaps worrisome about globalization is that as we grow in it, those who benefit from the changes reduce the world to the service of the personalities and those who do not see only the threats and mind off field of transformation (Bhagwat, 2007:182). This article examines the Nigeria security situation and the unabated bloodshed occasioned by the activities of Boko Haram in the era of globalization.
It is no longer news that the activities of the Boko Haram and other similar political and or religious sects have often led to loss of properties, lives, and even the breakdown of laws and order, peace and security in the Nigerian society at large. It has been observed that a lot of attacks have been made onto many states, which include even the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.
What puzzles most observers is the fact that most of these attacks are not carried out by suicide bombers yet the culprits often get away unharmed. This leaves a big question mark in our security agencies as regards to their duty in the protection of lives and properties, and the procurement of weapons of mass destruction to combat this menace which is eating deep into the Nigerian society today.
Without being said, Boko Haram crisis do not have any advantage instead it is a vicious and nefarious act carried out by individuals for their selfish desires, the motivating factor being to control the religious and political power.
However, it is the above stated problems that instigated the researcher into investigating on globalization on nigeria’s security” from 2009-2016 using Borno State as a case study.
The major aim of the study is to examine the impact of globalization on Nigeria security. Other specific objectives of the study include;
1. To examine the need for an improved Nigeria security in Nigeria.
2. To examine the menace of boko haram insurgency in Nigeria.
3. To determine the relationship between globalization and Nigeria security.
4. To recommend ways of reducing the boko haram insurgency thereby improving Nigeria security in Nigeria
1. What is the need for an improved Nigeria security in Nigeria?
2. What is the level of the menace of boko haram insurgency in Nigeria?
3. What is the relationship between globalization and Nigeria security?
4. What are the ways of reducing the boko haram insurgency thereby improving Nigeria security in Nigeria?
HO: There is no significant relationship between globalization and Nigeria security.
HA: There is a significant relationship between globalization and Nigeria security
The research would be of immense importance towards the eradication of terrorism and related crimes in Nigeria thus beefing up her security as it would reveal ways tackling such menace through globalization. The research would also greatly benefit students, researchers and scholars who are interested in developing further studies on gender and political participation in Nigeria through the contribution to literature.
This study is on globalization and Nigeria’s security from 2009-2016 using selected residents in Maiduguri in Borno state, Nigeria.
Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
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