E-learning (EL) is the use of Information and Communication Technology e.g. Internet, Computer, Mobile phone, Learning Management System (LMS), Televisions, Radios and others to enhance teaching and learning activities. E-learning is a unifying term used to describe the fields of online learning, web-based training and technology delivered instructions (Oye , Salleh, & Iahad, 2010). EL has become an increasingly popular learning approach in higher educational institutions due to vast growth of internet technology. Nowadays E-learning has a competitive advantage and many universities have implemented it and this has impacts on students’ performance or GPA. However, still there are other universities and academic institutions that use very low interactive E-learning which is not enough to contribute to the performance of the students. In contrary to that, other higher educational institutions use highly interactive E-learning which directly improves students’ performance in general (Rodgers, 2008). Today technology is a tool used to remove geographical barriers and facilitates everybody to learn anytime and anywhere without the presence of the lecturer. The main purpose of E-Learning is to increase accessibility of education and reducing costs and time as well as improving students’ academic performance. This approach of learning facilitates different students at different continents to attend the same classes almost at the same time. Nowadays, technology is becoming the medium for teaching and learning without being at university campuses. This technology enabled instructional method is aimed to improve quality of education and student academic performance. It has been found that students in higher educational institutions that engaged in E-Learning, generally performed better than those in face-to-face courses. (Holley, 2002) found that students who participate in online/ E-Learning achieve better grades than students who studied traditional approach. As result of this finding E- learning is growing very fast and become popular and that is why many higher educational institutions are adopting to virtual learning system. ELearning is widely used in many universities in the world today. In some universities, their E-learning does not add any value to the teaching and learning activities of the University and perhaps they do not investigate the impact of E-learning on student academic performance. Much research has not been done on the relationship of E-learning use and student academic performance. UNIJOS has an E-learning site designed for teaching and learning using module software package, but is not fully utilized by both students and lecturers. The students in University f Jos (UNIJOS) that use Elearning may perform better than those who do not use it. This study will reveal the possible contributions of E-learning to students’ academic performance. This study is very important and will find out the relationship of E-Learning use and students’ academic performance in UNIJOS.
The world is technologically getting advanced. It is sometimes referred to as a global village. The reason for this assertion is attributed to the influence of information and communication technology. E-learning as a matter of fact is fast becoming popular in Tertiary education instructional delivery method, most especially in tertiary institutions in Europe, America, and other developed and technologically advanced countries. In Nigeria, its usage as instructional method of teaching and learning in Tertiary education programme of tertiary institutions needs to be emphasized in line with what obtains in other part of the world. Pedagogic application of ICT involves effective learning with the aid of computer and other information technologies serve as learning aids, which play complementary roles in teaching and learning situations. Technologies such as e-learning necessitate and facilitate learning. The use of new methods promotes learning at a distance, and on one’s own and pace possible. Modeling, simulation, use of data base, guided instruction, closed world exploration results, in changes in terms of teaching strategy, instructional content, role of the teachers and context of the curricular is made obvious and inevitable. Furthermore, utilization of e-learning tools and technologies enhances motivation, help recall previous learning, and provide new instructional stimulus for the learners.
However, there is dearth of enough e-learning tools and technologies that are required for teaching and learning. In addition, many teachers and students do not have the required skills and competency in the utilization of e-learning for impacting Tertiary education courses.
The light of the above observations inspired the researcher’s curiosity to investigate the availability and utilization of e-learning technologies in Tertiary education programme in Nigeria tertiary institutions. In addition to the above, is the rising dissatisfaction among employers of labour on the poor performance and competencies, skills of Tertiary education graduates in the use of e-learning technologies in the new world of work. The implication of this is that Tertiary education graduates becomes unemployable and unfit either in a paid job or self employment and sustainability. This unfortunate situation is obviously a problem which will necessitate the need to determine the extent of utilization, possible benefits, problems and strategies of enhancing e-learning tools and technologies in Tertiary education programme of University of jos. This will fill the missing gap and streamline the skills acquired in school with what is required by the industry. Since Tertiary education is for and about work.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the availability and utilization of e-learning technologies in relation to teaching and learning of Tertiary education programme of University of jos. Specifically, the study will:
1. Determine the extent to which e-learning technologies are available for use in Tertiary education programme in University of jos.
2. Determine the extent to which e-learning technologies are utilized in Tertiary education programme in University of jos.
3. To identify the major problems and constraints against the use of e-learning technologies for pedagogical application in Tertiary education programme of University of jos.
4. To determine strategies for improving the availability of e-learning technologies for teaching and learning of Tertiary education programme of University of jos.
5. To determine strategies for improving the utilization of e-learning technologies in Tertiary education programme of University of jos.
The following research questions were raised to guide the study:
1. To what extent are e-learning technologies available in Tertiary education programme in tertiary institutions in in Delta State?
2. To what extent are e-learning technologies utilized in Tertiary education programme of University of jos?
3. What are the major constraints against the use of e-learning technologies in Tertiary education programme of University of jos?
4. What are the strategies for improving the availability of e-learning technologies for Tertiary education programme of University of jos?
5. What are the strategies for improving the utilization of e-learning technologies for Tertiary education programme of University of jos.
The following null hypotheses were formulated and will be tested in this study at 0.05 level of significance:
1. There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of undergraduates in the universities, polytechnics and colleges of education on the extent of availability of e-learning technologies for Tertiary education in University of jos.
2. There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of male and female undergraduates on the extent of utilization of e-learning technologies in Tertiary education programme of University of jos.
3. There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of undergraduates in universities, polytechnics and colleges of education on the constraints against the utilization of e-learning technologies in Tertiary education programmes of University of jos.
4. There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of male and female undergraduates on the strategies for improving availability of e-learning technologies in Tertiary education programmes of University of jos.
5. There is no significant different in the mean ratings of undergraduates in universities, polytechnics and colleges of education on the strategies for improving utilization of e-learning technologies in Tertiary education programmes of University of jos.
The significance of the study is centered on the students, undergraduates, educational planner, administrators and the general public. There are a lot of benefits to derive on the use of e-learning technologies.
The findings of the study will encourage undergraduates and students to develop skills and competencies in e-learning technologies for teaching and learning in Tertiary education programme.
Curriculum planners will be made to design curriculum that will encourage and emphasize technology driven education at the 21st century in Tertiary education course contents which will improve students’ skills and competencies for employability and self sustainability.
The study will provide improved performance in terms of teaching and learning abilities of undergraduates and students of University of jos. It will also promote conveniences and flexibility of students through self paced and time, as well as increased access to instructors of best quality through share of knowledge across boarders, viz online and internet connectivity.
Additionally, administrators and managers of Tertiary education in University of jos will be able to access students’ payments, records, admission, evaluating and results, on-line registration, online assessment and exchange programmes.
Finally, alumni, parents and the general public will be able to access the websites of Tertiary education programmes in tertiary institutions, Delta State for general information, and students’ follow-up programmes.
The scope of this study is on the impact of e learning on the academic performance of undergraduates using the University of Jos as a case study.
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