1. Background of the study
The presence of technology can increasingly make teaching and learning quite easy. It can assist in making teachers work very easy and students having access to information to boost their knowledge. Information and communication technology (ICT) if properly maximized in the academic front will greatly improve teaching and learning, as well as produce an employable work force for the country.
Following the current trend in the world, illiteracy is not just about one’s inability to read and write, but also includes one’s inability to use the computer. Hence, a study that was carried out some years ago proved that technology improves literacy, gives students access to information, enhances learning and builds students’ self esteem (O’hara; Pritchard & Bacon 2014, West, 2002). It is crystal clear that technology helps students build and diversify their personal knowledge (Wikipedia, 2009).
In as much as technology is very important for learning, it cannot scrap out the role of the teacher in teaching (Twoli et al. 2007). However, the role of computers in teaching and learning cannot be over emphasized, and that is why it is necessary for schools to be equipped with computer facilities in other to assist students.
Today, everyone in both developed and developing countries of the world makes use of computers. In the mid-60s, computers were introduced in American schools for administrative functions, though it was not accepted (Shue, 2009). However, Apple II computers came up with an idea of using its computers in schools for teaching and learning, with the aim of discovering how technology can be related to teaching.
Information and communication technology performs the function of storing, retrieving and processing, transferring and receiving information (Ajisafe, 2014). Technology includes the use of the internet, projector, and computer in information dissemination. Information and communication technology has a positive effect on the teaching and learning of business education (Pearson, Kinzer & Leu, 2005). The traditional method of teaching business education is fading off and does not match the current trend of students that we have; bearing in mind that they have access to the internet. The truth remains that for students and teachers to use ICT in schools for teaching and learning, it is pertinent for them to be skilled alongside the implementation of them in secondary schools in oshimili LGA of Delta state (Pearson, et al 2005). Some measures need to be put in place for business education to measure up with the current trend of the society in secondary schools. Changes in ICT have brought about the restructuring of the educational system as computers could be used in teaching business related courses like Commerce, Entrepreneurship, and Banking. Business education has seen rapid changes based on the world global practices, therefore, Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council has come up with a framework for a 9year Basic Educational Qualification. This framework has led to reviewing business education in other to accommodate teaching this subject with the aid of a computer by upgrading a sub-section of this subject like typewriting, short hand, book keeping, etc.
However, it is known that some universities in Nigeria use computers in teaching business education related courses, but it is obvious that most secondary schools in Nigeria do not have computer facilities to aid teaching; that is why this study is aimed at discovering the impact of teaching and learning business education in secondary schools, particularly in Oshimili LGA of Delta state.
1. Statement of the problem
There are several factors that can hinder the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning business education in secondary schools. There include: cost, poor infrastructure, lack of skills, lack of relevant software and limited access to the Internet.
The cost of purchasing a computer including its software and hardware poses a serious problem for the management of secondary schools to achieve. Also, when purchasing a computer that will be meant for teaching students, it is necessary to get other peripherals like a printer, paper, photocopying machine, flash drive, etc for a comprehensive study. Many secondary schools will not have the fund to purchase computers for teaching and learning.
Another factor is poor infrastructure. Computer as we know is powered with the use of electricity, but unstable power supply is one major challenge Nigeria has and with the current pump price of fuel it will not be easy for secondary schools to spend money on purchasing fuel to run generator and so they are discouraged.
However, lack of skills affects the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning business education. Nigeria lacks the human skills and knowledge of adopting the use of computers in teaching and learning. Nigerian teachers are so used to teaching with a chalk and duster that some of them find it difficult to learn how to use the computer in teaching and learning.
In addition, there are no relevant software to back-up the teaching and learning of business education in secondary schools and even the cost of obtaining software that will match the Nigerian teaching curriculum may be enormous.
1. Aims/ Objectives of the study
The major aim of this study is to discover the impact of the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning business education in secondary schools in Oshimili LGA of Delta state.
Other specific objectives include:
1. To determine the challenges that can hamper the use of ICT in teaching and learning business education in secondary schools in Oshimili LGA of Delta state.
2. To examine if teaching and learning with the use of ICT can improve students’ knowledge of business education.
3. To examine if implementation of computer based teaching in secondary schools across the country can improve Nigeria’s educational system.
4. To determine if the use of ICT in secondary schools in Oshimili LGA can enhance academic development of Delta state.
1. Research questions
1. What are the challenges that can hamper the use of ICT in teaching and learning business education in secondary schools in Oshimili LGA of Delta state?
2. Does teaching and learning with the use of ICT improve students’ knowledge of business education?
3. Can implementation of computer based teaching in secondary schools across the country improve Nigeria’s educational system?
4. Can the use of ICT in secondary schools in Oshimili LGA enhance the academic development of Delta state?
1. Research Hypothesis
2. There are no challenges that can hamper the use of ICT in teaching and learning business education in secondary schools in Oshimili LGA of Delta state.
3. There are challenges that can hamper the use of ICT in teaching and learning business education in secondary schools in Oshimili LGA of Delta state.
Significance of the study/ Justification of the study
This study is meant to inform the general public, schools and the government on the need to use ICT in teaching and learning business education in secondary schools.
It is meant to bring to the knowledge of the management of secondary schools that there is need to adopt ICT in teaching and learning not just business education but other subjects, as against the usual chalk board mode of teaching.
Also, this study is meant to inform the government that they can assist in making learning across secondary schools in the country computer based, as a way of improving the literacy level of Nigerian youths. The government can assist by providing computers to secondary schools across Nigeria and making policies to support this.
This study will be of immense benefit to other researchers who intend to know more on this topic and can also be used by non-researchers to build more on their work. This study contributes to knowledge and could serve as a guide for other work or study.
1. Scope/ Limitations of the study
This study is restricted to the use of ICT in teaching and learning business education in secondary schools; a case study of Oshimili LGA of Delta state.
Limitations of study
1. Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
2. Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
1. Definition of terms
Impact: This is the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
ICT (Information and communication technology): ls an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as video conferencing and distance learning
Business Education:This is education designed for use in business. A training in subjects (such as business administration, finance) useful in developing general business knowledge,training in subjects (such as accounting, shorthand) useful in developing commercially useful skills.
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