Business Studies is a peculiar subject which prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century by introducing them to the business world. Umezulike and Okoye (2013) considered business studies as the key agent of economic and technological development either as a way of developing human capacity, increasing the shield of workforce for modernization, industrialization, and environmental development or as a matter of personal freedom and empowerment of the populace. Amoor (2010) noted that business studies plays a significant role in the economic development by providing knowledge and skills to the learners, thereby, enabling them to adequately impart knowledge into others, and handle sophisticated office technologies and information systems. The major aim of business studies is primarily to harness competent, skillful and dynamic business teachers, office administrators and businessmen and women that will effectively compete in the world of work. It has as its fundamental aims, the preparation of students for roles in enterprises such roles could be as employee, entrepreneur and employer or simply as self employed. Education serves as the most adequate and effective method of changing the attitudes of its recipients, especially that of the young generation. Education grants one with the potential to learn, to adhere to new opportunities, to adjust to social and cultural activities It is the process of training and instruction, which is designed to give knowledge and develop skills. Education is a catalyst which provides mental, ideological and moral training to individuals. Teaching has also been seen as an attempt geared towards assisting the learner to change his behavior in a specific context, in this sense, It could be a change of attitude, knowledge, idea, skill or appreciation (Paul, 2013).Proper education development of Nigeria secondary schools includes the application of managerial principles in designing, developing and directing resources towards the achievement of educational goals and objectives. Recently, the quest for effective management and development of schools is speedily taking centre stage all over the world (Okumbe, 1999). This effectiveness can be judged by the extent to which schools acquire the necessary teachers‟ instructional materials; how they provide a congenial organizational environment and their effectiveness in meeting the expectations of the environment wherein they are established (Okumbe, 1999). It is in established schools that formal education takes place and it is there that the success or failure of the national educational objectives are determined (Orora, 2009). To achieve this objective, teachers and school executives are expected to apply appropriate managerial skills. Teachers of secondary school have crucial roles to play in many schools that have their doors almost open for reforms (Henig and Stone, 2014). This “reform" churn while intended to improve performance, often constrain efforts at organizational improvements as change-weary schools often engage in reforms without proper consideration (Coburn, 2009; Datnow et al., 2013; Hubbard et al., 2013). Reform efforts are typically executed using a variety of formal structures, processes and accountability levers, to improve teaching. However, the approaches are really mean for improving education at all stages of learning. Lazaridou and Tsolakidis (2011) opined that educational setting refers to a system with a mixture of stakeholders of institutions which include teachers, parents, students and the community members. Gunbayi (2012) also reported that young teachers seem to appreciate and increase their zeal for the job they prefer and seem to be more positive and committed in teaching. However, some young teachers seem to get impatient when they have to face challenges. In such case, when teachers enjoy their work, they tend to improve in their teaching and learning pedagogy, and the students in turn also improve in their performance. In the school system, it is normal for principals and teachers to have discussions and interactions on issues concerning schools‟ matters. According to Adeyemi (2011), conditions that create relationship between teachers and students may develop and may influence the society for a better change. According to Birdsall et al. (2013) enrolment of children in school, the challenges of access/quality of teaching and facilities must be resolved if schools are to offer quality education. The influence of business teachers roles in teaching of business studies in public secondary schools cannot be overemphasizedand there are few reasons that contribute to low level of business studies teachers‟ performance and they include inadequate pay, poor career structure, lack of promotion opportunities, poor school facilities, principal’s leadership behavior, students’ poor work attitudes and teachers’behaviors. George et al. (2014) reported that the behavior of some principals and some teachers can be correlated with their teaching performance.
The importance of Business Studies for the nation's economic development cannot be overemphasized. According to Oltonltwo (1995), inadequate qualified Business Studies teacher’s results to poor performance of students in Business Studies. This poor academic achievement in Business Studies program in Nigeria is unsatisfactory. This state of affairs is very disturbing.Ekunno (2010) stated that poor teaching methods used in teaching of business studies gave rise to inadequacy of learning of the required skills of business studies. Uzodi (2012) noted that one of the major observed problems in the education system by parents, teachers government etc, is the absence of effective strategies for teaching business studies at Junior Secondary School. Umaeiye (2013) observed that the teaching strategies adopted by most business education teachers are more of theory than practice and inquiry, and that the type of teaching materials used are all outdated, therefore, no longer relevant for teaching in the present information technology era. The type of strategy to be adopted by any teacher depends on the information or skills the teacher is trying to convey. Students’ performance in business studies cannot be improved unless teachers play adequate roles in teaching of business studies in public secondary schools by adopting suitable effective strategies and approaches of teaching business studies.
The major aim of the study is to examine influence of business teachers roles in teaching of business studies in public secondary schools in Kaduna north L.G.A. Other specific objectives of the study include;
1. To ascertain the state of business studies teachers in Kaduna north L.G.A
2. To assess teachers’ preparation of lesson plan in business studies in public secondary schools in Kaduna north L.G.A.
3. To examine the roles of business studies teachers on academic performance of business studies students.
4. To examine the evaluation of students academic work and records keeping by business studies teachers.
5. To examine the relationship between the roles of business studies teachers and academic performance of business studies students
6. To examine use of teaching aids and task management in the class.
1 What is the state of business studies teachers in Kaduna north L.G.A?
2 What is the level of teachers’ preparation of lesson plan in business studies in public secondary schools in Kaduna north L.G.A?
3 What are the roles of business studies teachers on academic performance of business studies students?
4 What arethe methods of evaluation of students’ academic work and records keeping used by business studies teachers?
5 What is the relationship between the roles of business studies teachers and academic performance of business studies students?
6 What are theuses of teaching aids and task management in the class?
Hypothesis 1
H0: There is no significant influence of business studies teacher’s roles on academic performance of business studies students
H1: There is a significant influence of roles of business studies teachers on academic performance of business studies students
Hypothesis 2
H0: There is no significant relationship between roles of business studies teachers and academic performance of business studies students
H1: There is a significant relationship between roles of business studies teachers and academic performance of business studies students
The study would be of benefit to encourage teachers and students to develop interest in proper teaching and learning of business studies, and a positive attitude towards, the business world and to enable them to acquire knowledge and an understanding of commercial activities and to provide an introduction to the structures and functions of business institutions and their inter-relationships. The study would also be of immense benefit to students, researchers and scholars who are interested in developing further studies on the subject matter.
The study is restricted to influence of business studies teachers roles in teaching of business studies in public secondary schools in Kaduna north L.G.A.
Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview)
Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
Teaching: Teaching is a set of events, outside the learners which are designed to support internal process of learning. Teaching (Instruction) is outside the learner. Learning is internal to learners. You cannot motivate others if you are not self-motivated. Motives are not seen, but, Behaviors are seen. Is learning a motive or behavior? Learning is both a motive and behavior but only behavior is seen, learning is internal, performance is external.
Business Studies: Is that part of the curriculum which enables the student to make informed decisions in the everyday business of living, which contributes to the student's understanding of the world of business, which encourages a positive attitude to enterprise and which develops appropriate skills in that field.
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