The fact that science is very important cannot be overemphasized. The numerous contributions of science to the social and economic development of the country is well recognized. Some basic knowledge of science needed by everyone, that is, to ensure continuity and profitable exploration of the scientific and technological potentials, it is necessary to lay emphasis on scientific knowledge. Over the countries, researchers in science and invention has prevented man from living in hard life and making life more comfortable. Such inventions and discoveries are a formula racing car capable of speed up to nearly 400km/hr, the making of soap and the drinking platform of worlds class shot putter who can propped the 7.2kg shot more than 21m and also the volcanic eruption or volcanic at mounts ngoruatice, New Zealand and are some of the pertinent form of discoveries through sciences. In the western world, the history of sciences is as old as the world itself. People like Behiwer, Aristotle and Newton to mention but a few were able to make breakthrough in the study of science through invaluable contributions in their different fields of studies.
Their activities at that time were channeled towards alleviating the social suffering of mankind through science and technological means. Nigeria has been making an effort to keep abreast with her western counterparts in the development of scientific knowledge. The subject in question is integrated science has a precise meaning as to what it entails.
The importance of science in the society cannot be over-emphasized as national improvement is concerned. Both technological knowledge otherwise science, no doubt, form the bedrock of most of the invention that have made life easy. Scientific all over the world such as British, America, Japanese, Italian, are today engaged ion research in science. Radar control at London, large airports, television, radio, motorcar, have developed from researchers in science. Some educators have given different views about science in the society of ours. These are: Fafunwa (1974) stated that “science education is many parts of Africa, south of the Shahara is only little over forty years old. In Nigeria, for example, science was introduced into secondary school curriculum as late as the 1930. Consequently, they have started for formulate a curriculum which gives priority to the study of science to enhance the nation technologically. In the implementation of the curriculum formulated by Nigeria educationist in the 1960s, there has been very little evidence in improvement in scientific development. Ezeilo (1976) pointed out that without science and technological education, we are nowhere. Fafunwa (1967) said in the world of today, science and technology have become dominant cultural factors and any nation that is not alive to it is dead or dying.
In a developing country like Nigeria, there is always the call for scientific and technological development. Nigeria, for example since independence has geared efforts towards the development of scientific manpower. Fafunwa (1976) said that “science should be made a compulsory subject at both elementary and the secondary school levels and as well as educating the masses than Africa will be able to move from the static role of spector to that of an actor in the exciting scientific age”. Nigeria has realized the need for scientific and technological advancement. According to Ezeilo (1976) Nigeria has been warned that her pre-eminent position I Africa today and the growing affairs would be hollow and without substance, unless they were solidly based on scientific and technological capabilities. As stated in the new national policy on education (1998) one of the aims of secondary education is to equip students to live effectively in our modern age of science and technology. This is a more statement into classroom experience for the achievement of scientific literacy? In the early 1960s the development in the teaching and learning of science were grouped together and studied under the little hygiene and nature study. There was no distinction between the various aspects of science subjects.
Karplus, a physicist carried out a study of curriculum improvement in integrated science by teaching in first grades classroom, the method and materials he has were developed to see the possible outcome of the teaching. The steps and general method, which scientists use in seeking a cure for cancer, are the scientific method are in general, the same as those used in the solution of any problems, they can be understood and applied by the problem, they can be understood and applied by the teaching in a classroom situation. The curriculum planners over the hears have become aware of the importance of integrated science as an integral part of science and have therefore, attempted to give integrated science as well as other science proper attention in the junior secondary school education, but sad however, is the fact that the teaching of integrated science as a subject in our junior secondary schools is none of theoretical knowledge. Indeed, no attention has been directed towards making integrated science as a way in which integrated science teaching and learning could be seen as a way of thought, attitude or as product is by emphasizing the importance of professional, qualified and experienced teachers in the field of integrated science. Finally, it is the expectation of the researcher that the findings of this research would go along way to improve the implementation of the school integrated science curriculum. When the student’s performances are enhanced, it means that they are on a more solid pedestral towards achieving a meaningful preliminary scientific knowledge.
After a brief analysis, it is imperative and pertinent to have a look on some of these problems under construction as a follows: schools should be well equipped with standard instructional materials to enhance effective teaching, so that whatever method employed by the teacher, the desired outcome is achieved. The learning situation should be made ideal at least to some extent for greater efficiency and learning outcome. Laboratories should be well equipped for the purpose of driving home the subject matter and to motivate the students. The teachers should not put on an angry look always as this may scare the students from a particular subject. It is important to this list below some of the methods employed by teachers and in addition elicit the qualities of teachers for the purpose of this research work.
The methods are:
Discussion method
Project method
Discovery method
Induction method
Experimental method
Laboratory method
These methods have been viewed by different educators and scientist.
According to Mr. Stephen O. Etagbalavbe, stated that “classroom control forms an integral part of the teachers’ duty”. It is his ability to create an atmosphere, which is conducive to effective teaching and learning in the class. Effective classroom control like good discipline facilitates the intellectual and moral training of t he children. The way of achieving the adequate and effective classroom control and management include the qualities of the teachers.
These are listed below:
Good subject mastery
Easily accessible to the students
He should be composed and comported
He should be friendly and amiable
Teacher’s personality
Teaching methods
Constant engagement of students and supervision
The classroom, equipment and arrangement of the class
Democratic rules in the class and mode of questions as a tool
Considering the present factors responsible for the students performance in integrated science, the study would lead to practical suggestions being made and it will enable people concerned know the effect of teachers qualities and methodology on the performance of students in integrated science in Ovia North East Local Government Area. It is only when the problems are known that they could be solved. Therefore, the outcome of the study would lead to a probable search for solution to such problems. This would tend to solve a reasonable percentage of the problems thereby improving the state of science in this nation of ours.
The following are the hypothesis based on the purpose of the study.
H0: The method adopted in teaching the subject (Integrated Science) is mainly teachers centred, rather than teacher-students interaction.
H1: The method adopted in teaching the subject (integrated science) is mainly teacher-students interaction rather than teacher centred.
H0:The nonchalant attitude of the teachers towards integrated science, with regards to level of encouragement given to students result in low performance of students in the subject.
3. The unfriendly nature of the integrated science teacher towards his students make them have a low interest in the subject, hence in this direction performance is greatly affected.
Performance: Bring to completion, fulfill, accomplish of achievement
Students: An undergraduate or post-graduate person who is studying at a college, polytechnic or university. Boy or girls attending a school or who devoted to the acquisition of knowledge.
Ovia: This is the Local Government of Edo State of Nigeria, which has boundary with Oredo in the North and with Ondo in the West.
Qualities of Integrated Science Teachers: These are categories of teachers who read integrated science and education in any approved higher institution.
Science: Systematic study and knowledge of natural
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