The term ‘management’ has been defined in various ways. Musaazi, (2002) defined it as a social process concerned with identifying, maintaining, motivating, controlling and unifying formally and informally organized human and material resources within a social system. In such a social process, there is always a structural hierarchy comprising the subordinates and super ordinates. Sherlekar (2004) described it as a guideline, leadership and the control of the efforts of a group of people towards some common objectives.
Management has also been seen as a hierarchy of people and their functions within an organization (Akintayo and Adeola, 2003). It is concerned with the efficient and effective performance of a task in achieving the goals and objectives of an organization. Supporting these points, Nwadiani (2008) described management as a variety of sequential and related activities that are designed and carried out in order to effecttively and efficiently achieve the goals of teaching and learning in relation to the needs of the society.
This achievement could be made through effective planning, organizing, coordinating, supervising, directing, motivating, controlling, budgeting and evaluating programmes as well as undertaking of risks and handling of uncertainty (Webber and Skau, 2003; Lodiaga and Sitna, 2003; Fabunmi, 2000; Ajayi and Ayodele, 2002). Against this background, educational management is the process of providing leadership within an educational system in the way of coordinating activities and making decisions that would lead to the attainment of the school’s objectives, which are effective teaching and learning.
In order to accomplice this task, the school manager must co-ordinate the activities of the divergent groups in order to achieve the objectives. He needs to be well equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform his duties. Thus, management involves a manager making use of resources both human and material to achieve the goals of the organization while effective management involves ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the use of the available human and physical resources together with the ability to combat any constraints that might hamper the achievement of the objecttives. Human resources in any organization are the people who act as coordinators of all other factors of production to produce and distribute goods and services. They are available in different categories of sub-ordinates and super-ordinates.
Physical resources, on the other hand, include resources such as classrooms, assembly halls, other halls, administrative blocks, science rooms, libraries and workshops. School effectiveness could be seen in the number of inputs into the system in relation to the outputs of the system (Dunkin, 2007). The human resources available in organizations are addressed as the personnel or staff of the organization. The school manager must bring all his abilities, physical, mental and emotional to the job. It is equally important that the school head teacher should involve people in various aspects of his organizational activities.
The main job of the head teacher as the school personnel manager is to see that the pupils receive educational services through the efforts of the teachers. He is therefore charged with the responsibility of promoting the goals of the system. The head teacher tends to achieve greatly when he endeavours to understand his staff as individuals and as a group and when he respects the personality of all his sub-ordinates in the way of creating favourable atmosphere. He should be concerned with the problem of his staff, understand their needs as well as consider their ideas and suggestions. He should also encourage staff participation in decision making and have confidence in staffs’ ability to perform task (Oyedeji, 2008).
Management is a very essential arm of any organisation that sees to the growth and wellbeing of the organisation. But at times the management if weak and inactive might result to ineffective administration. It could also be that the people that constitute the administrative board have little or no idea or experience on how to go about the affairs of the school. Finally, several researches have been carried out on management information system but there has been no single research on the impact of management information system on the administration effectiveness of primary schools in Nigeria.
The main aim of the study is to examine the impact of management information system on the administration effectiveness of primary schools. Other specific objectives of the study include:
1. to determine the effect of management information system on the administration effectiveness.
2. to determine the factors affecting the application of management information system on school administration.
3. to determine the extent to which management information system affects the administration of primary schools in Nigeria.
4. to proffer possible solutions to the problems.
1. What is the effect of management information system on the administration effectiveness?
2. What are the factors affecting the application of management information system on school administration?
3. What is the extent to which management information system affects the administration of primary schools in Nigeria?
4. What are the possible solutions to the problems?
H0: Management information system has no significant effect on the administration effectiveness of Primary schools in Nigeria.
H1: Management information system has a significant effect on the administration effectiveness of Primary schools in Nigeria.
The study on the impact of management of information system on the administration effectiveness of primary school will be of immense benefit to the entire Primary schools in Nigeria in the sense that it will enable the school management as well as the government to set up an administration that are willing to be impactful to the primary school so as to develop the pupils for a better tomorrow; this is because when a school has a good administration the running of the school will be positively achieved. Finally, the study will contribute to the body of existing literature and knowledge to this field of studies and basis for further research.
The study on the impact of management information system on the administration effectiveness is limited to all the primary schools in Nigeria.
Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
Impact The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
Management Information System Is an information system used for decision-making, and for the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an organization; especially in a company.
AdministrationThe process or activity of running a business, organization, etc.
EffectivenessThe degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success.
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