1.1. Background of the study
Christian religious studies is one among the religious subjects taught in secondary schools in Nigeria today and has been proven to have taken the central position in ensuring moral and spiritual well beingof individuals in the society. Christian religious studies play vital roles among senior secondary school students, youths in Nigeria and beyond. It equips them and helps them in ensuring high level of morality in the society. This subject provides them with more opportunities to learn more about God and thereby develop their faith in God. CRS stands as manual students, youths hold on to, for assistance in developing their Christian attitude and moral values (e.g, humility, respect, love, and justice, etc). To instill in students, youths, thespirit to combat corruption, the spirit of tolerance,reconciliation, peaceful co existence and non-violence as well as to develop and foster in the students/youths, the spirit of respect for all people and human life, CRS needs to be encouraged in senior secondary schools.
Without effective religious studies in senior secondary schools, Nigerian as a nation will likely end up in conflict, religious crisis, insurgencies and social unrest among other things. Christian religious studies are viewed as one of the means to restore moral and social order in the society. For example, after a long description of the moral decay in Nigeria which is portrayed in rampant fraud, evidence of corruption in high and low places, bribery, stealing and robbery with violence, scandalous nepotism and political patronage and abuse of power, excessive materials and general indiscipline, Iheomia (1995) concludes bysaying: “in the final analysis what matters most to a nation’s well-being is its spiritualand moralhealth. Everything else which a nation struggles for depends on this...whether it is national integration, political stability, economic development or educational, scientific and technological progress. Nigeria is a nation morally and spiritually sick. The main objective of CRstudies in Nigeria schools must be to combat corruption, restore sanity to the nations way of life through the entrenchment in peoples’ psyche such values as honesty, discipline, respect and concern for others, justice and devotion to duty.
1.2. Statement of the general problem
The moral decadence among Nigerian youths overtime has been a source of major concern. The lack of effective teaching of these youths moral and religious values has regrettably led to the eventual collapse of moral values and has increased social vices like fraud, corruption and immoral tendencies among youths especially secondary school students. Corruption has curiously been noticed among Nigerian youths and this doesn’t speak well of the future of Nigeria as the youths of today would eventually be the leaders of tomorrow. And if corruption is not checked among youths, it would be nearly impossible to eradicate corruption and other social vices in the country.
1.3. Aims and objectives of the study
The main aim/objective of this study is to examine the role of Christian religious studies in combating corruption among senior secondary schools. Other objective of the study includes:
1. To examine the effect of Christian religious studies on the senior secondary school students of Uyo LGA.
2. To determine the level of Christian religious studies in curbing corruption in Uyo LGA.
3. To examine the level of teaching of Christian religious studies in senior secondary schools in Uyo LGA.
4. To recommend ways of curbing corruption among senior secondary schools students through Christian religious studies in Uyo LGA.
5. To examine the relationship between Christian religious studies and eradication of corruption in Uyolocal government.
1.4. Research Questions
The following are research questions would be of help in the cause of our research
1. That is the role of Christian religious studies in combating corruption among senior secondary schools?
2. What is the effect of Christian religious studies on students in senior secondary schools?
3. What is the level of teaching of Christian religious studies in Uyolocal government?
4. Is there a relationship between the teaching of Christian religious studies and corruption in Uyolocal government?
1.5. Research Hypothesis
H0: There is no significant relationship between Christian religious studies and eradication of corruption in Uyo LGA.
H1: There is a significant relationship between Christian religious studies and eradication of corruption in Uyo LGA.
H0: There is no significant effect of Christian religious studies on students of senior secondary schools in Uyo LGA.
H1: There is a significant effect of Christian religious studies on students of senior secondary schools in Uyo LGA.
1.6. Significance of the study
This study would be of immense importance to scholars and researchers who are interested in this subject matter. This study also seeks to educate the general public on the need to eradicate corruption through the effective teaching of Christian religious studies in senior secondary schools in Uyolocal government area.
1.7. Scope of the study
This study is restricted to the role of Christian religious studies on morals among senior secondary schools in Uyo local government area of Akwa Ibom state.
Limitation of the study
Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
1.8. Definition of terms
Corruption:dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people (such as government officials or police officers)
Combat:Combat comes from the Latin com- meaning "together with" and batteremeaning "to fight." Combat can be used as a modifier; for example, a combat zone is an area where fighting is taking place. The word combatcan also be used to refer to the action of fighting against something to prevent it. An after-school program for kids is working to combat the issue of street violence by creating a safe space where kids can go as an alternative.
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