With the deplorable situation in education in Nigeria, majority members of the community must be deeply touched by the current gloomy future. The multidimensional crises in the Nigerian educational sector are very serious areas of the failures of government to the community in all ramifications. The crises emerged not due to lack of material and human resources, but primarily from how these resources have been managed or mismanaged at the detriment of the larger members of the community. Hence, serious abuses, in the educational sector, by government bureaucrats and politicians have assumed some of the greatest crimes committed to humanity. Since the nature and dimension of the educational crises in Nigeria are deep rooted and as such cannot be immediately quantified, the issue leaves one to conclude with the aphorism that ‘the more you see, the less you understand’ on why the situation defies all solutions or strategies adopted. Public schools in Nigeria have degenerated beyond limits in terms of physical structures, infrastructure, and the commitment or quality of teachers as well as the concern of authorities in ensuring standard and achievement of objectives. Thus, conditions for teaching and learning in public schools have completely deteriorated or even collapsed beyond redemption. Public schools have turned out to be a big liability to the Nigeria educational system as they have been indeed transformed into conduit pipes through which bureaucrats and politicians have systematically siphoned public resources. The greatest tragedy is that government efforts in education are not enough in meeting the needs and aspirations of Nigerians. All these have invariably resulted in the quantitative and qualitative collapse of productive educational pursuits and achievements. Hence, the number of pupils and students turned out yearly is ill prepared for higher education or productive challenges right from the primary to university levels. In other words, performance indicators at all levels of the Nigerian educational system have dwindled (Abbass and Babajo, 2003). When the Universal Primary Education (UPE) was launched in 1976, for example, there was no adequate plan to achieve the enshrined objectives in all respects and at all levels. These include the projected number of pupils/students, number of schools/classrooms needed, the number and quality of teachers required and other infrastructures and instructional materials. While the UPE was meant to be universal, free and compulsory, it practically did not become free, universal or compulsory, in spite of the government is public pronouncement and enormous expenditure appropriated. Not all these brought about positive results to the greater community members. Government’s insensitivity to education is, largely, responsible for the crises. The challenge, therefore, is that, there is the need to have a fundamental reform or shift in the bureaucratic and political behaviour in order to have focused, sincere and committed governance with a view to solving such educational crises finally. In the absence of such a fundamental reform, there should evolve determined community efforts designed to ameliorate the situation. Hence, spirited communities, within the confines of their operations should be inspired to address the foreseeable dangers in the interest of the community and to save education.
Effective community participation is the vehicle through which primary and secondary school objectives can be achieved. Some communities are never lacking in making some contributions in Nigerian secondary schools. The problem always has been that some communities in rural areas especially in area of study do not make effective participation in funding of secondary school in Awkametropolise. It must be stated that the attitude of some community leaders and school administrators in the zone were characterized by different forms of behaviour ranging from embezzlement, fraudulence, inappropriate budgeting and award of contract to fake politicians and non-professionals. These discourage many community members and private sectors from making donations and contributions for secondary schools. Some times there is no cordial relationship between the school authorities and communities. It has been observed that some school principals lack the ability of relating to important members of the community that would probably render assistance to school interms of administration and provision of materials for teaching and learning. The problem of this study therefore put in a question form is: what are the strategies for enhancing community participation in educational programme of students in Awkametropolise?
Purpose of the Study The main purpose of the study is to identify strategies for enhancing community participation in the Participation in educational programmes through the opinion of community members and educational authorities in Awkametropolise of Anambra state. Specifically, the study will:
1. Identify constraints to community participation in educational programme of students in Awkametropolise of Anambra State.
2. Identify the school community relations of activities that could enhance community participation in educational programme of students in Awkametropolise.
3. Ascertain methods community would adopt in contribution of funds to secondary school in Awkametropolise.
4. To examine the impact of community participation in educational programmes in Nigeria
5.Determine the policies and measures that could be initiated by the government to increase community participation in the educational programme of students in Awkametropolise.
1. What are the constraints to community participation in educational programme of students in Awkametropolise of Anambra State?
2. What are the school community relations of activities that could enhance community participation in educational programme of students in Awkametropolise?
3. What are the methods communities would adopt in contribution of funds to secondary school in Awkametropolise?
4. What is the impact of community participation in educational programmes in Nigeria?
5.What are the policies and measures that could be initiated by the government to increase community participation in the educational programme of students in Awkametropolise?
H0: There is no significant impact of community participation on educational programme of students in Nigeria
H1: There is a significant impact of community participation on educational programme of students in Nigeria
Significance of the Study The findings from this study are bound to have enumerable significance and will provide information to participants and beneficiaries including school administrators, students and the general public comprising governments, voluntary agencies and communities. The result of this study will serve as a guide to school administrators in its efforts to develop an active interest in community life by promoting the involvement and participation of the school in suitable community activities such activities are extra mural classes, adult education programmes, club meeting, sporting activities and so on. The outcome of this research will be utilized by the ministry of Education Anambra and post primary school management Board for effective planning and implementation of various educational policies and programmes to justify the government’s huge material and financial resources to secondary education. The study will be beneficial to government in areas of keeping statistical records of how community funds schools. This will help them initiate actions on how to get the community to full participation in the funding secondary education. The education policy makers will find this research work very indispensable if published since it will guide them in initiating the right policy, which will motivate the community to increase their funding to schools. When this is done, secondary education objectives will be realized. To the school administrators and community leaders, the study if published will be a guide in management of funds and to reduce embezzlement considerably since the community may like to know how the funds and physical materials they provide are being disbursed and preserved. The outcome of this study will help the school administrators in acquisition of more knowledge, if the constraints standing on the way to effecting implementation of the community participation in funding secondary education is identified and then eliminated. The funding of this research will X-ray community’s method of contribution of funds and possible problems that would be associated with the system and the best way that will engender and increase community participation in Participation in educational programmes in Awkametropolise. This study will enable the state government realize that effective community participation in Participation in educational programmes will no doubt release them from financial burden and make way for effective administration that will be geared towards achievement of educational goals. Finally, researchers will find this work very useful because it will help to increase their knowledge in education finance, that is, income and expenditure of educational institutions. It will also be very useful to researchers in providing basic information for further research in the related areas.
The study is restricted to the rle of community participation on educational programme of students in Awkametropolise of Anambra state
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