Physics education deals with sharing of science content and process with individuals who are not considered traditionally to be member of the scientific community; the individuals could be students, farmers, market women or a whole community. Physics education in Nigeria concentrates on the teaching of science concepts, method of teaching and addressing misconceptions held by learners regarding science concepts.
Physics education is very important to the development of any nation that is why every nation must take it very serious in all institutions of learning. Many of the developed worlds were able to achieve so much in science and technology because of physics education. Launching of sputnik by the Russian government in October, 4 1957 would not have been possible if not for the position they placed physics in physics education.
Physics education comprises three subjects namely biology, chemistry and physics which are combined with education and over the year there has been low enrolment of these courses in our institutions as identified by; causes of this low enrolment include society disdain, mockery of teacher and low prestige of teachers.
Physics education is very important to the development of any nation in many areas. A graduate of physics education can be self employed as opined by. Many of the physics graduates have some knowledge of electronics that is enough for them to be able to have a little period of training as apprentices and then stand alone as electronic technician. For instant, Semiconductor is very important in the modern technology that if properly learnt it is enough for one to stand upon for a living; semiconductor physics is part of what any graduate in physics will learn and should learn. In semiconductor, is very important in a growing economy like ours in Nigeria; it is useful in ceramic industry and a well trained physics education graduate can be well established in ceramic industry.
Without physics education Information and Communication Technology would be impossible. Science and technology will not be possible without physics education; for instance engineering, medicine, architecture etc will not be possible if there is no one to teach the students the core subjects needed for these courses.
Physics education is very important to any growing economy like Nigeria. Many graduates of physics education are self employed and employers of labour; many owned schools for themselves where people works and earn their living while some are in to fish business.
There are colleges of education where students of chemistry department are taught how to make dye and chalk; graduates of these departments can establish their own chalk business as soon as they graduate. If supported with fund many schools do not need to buy chalk outside anymore and they can equally produce for other schools.
As Much as Nigeria pursues development in technology, the result has been both unsatisfactory and discouraging (Adedayo, 2008). The development in technology is below standard and has contributed immensely to the state of underdevelopment in Nigeria (Ogbazi 1987, Ajayi 2007). There is an urgent need to redress and bring about a worthwhile growth in technology in Nigeria. Given that Physics education is one of the major subjects meant to provide the basic developments needed in technology, its effective teaching and learning are crucial issues for consideration. Since research reports (Ajayi, 2007; Adedayo, 2012) revealed that the performance of students in Physics in institutions of learning have been very appalling, this fact calls for attention. This research therefore aims to discuss the role of Physics education in technological development in Nigeria and as a means for the country to compete fairly with other nations technologically.
The major aim of the study is to examine the role of physics education for technological development in Nigeria. Other specific objectives of the study include;
1. To assess the level of physics education in Nigerian educational institutions.
2. To examine the factors militating against effective teaching of physics education in Nigeria.
3. To examine the impact of physics education on technological development in Nigeria.
4. To examine the need for effective technological development in Nigeria.
5. To recommend ways of improving technological development through education.
1. What is the level of physics education in Nigerian educational institutions?
2. What are the factors militating against effective teaching of physics education in Nigeria?
3. What is the impact of physics education on technological development in Nigeria?
4. What is the need for effective technological development in Nigeria?
5. What are the ways of improving technological development through education?
HO: There is no significant impact of physics education on technological development in Nigeria.
HA: There is a significant impact of physics education on technological development in Nigeria.
The study would be of immense importance to the development of technology in Nigeria which would enhance national integration and promote the economy of Nigeria. The study would also benefit students, researchers and scholars who are interested in developing further studies on the subject matter.
The study is restricted to the role of physics education for technological development in Nigeria using tertiary institutions in Benue state as a case study.
Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
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